Admit it: even though you've convinced yourself that you're satisfied with the furniture and housewares you've acquired second-hand through Craigslist, you secretly wish you could have gotten them new, and that it was a little more chic. If only the cost of a cherry-finished coffee table wasn't equal to your monthly rent. Trove, located in Gilman Village, is the best bet for making that possible. Want to accessorize your dull utilitarian couch with some colorful, embroidered throw pillows? Think that bistro-style plates and bowls would add some class to your kitchen? You could find all that here, and actually afford it, with prices being up to 70% off. Though technically an outlet, it certainly doesn't have the feel of one, with an endless array of unique high-quality furnishings and accessories that put Pier 1 and Pottery Barn to shame. Even if you don't really need anything new, it's still fun to come in and browse, and remind yourself that you don't need to hit up Craig or the flea market the next time you need a new bed frame or tumbler set.
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